monthly review: november
Since becoming a coach, shifting my life and starting my own biz, I’ve been a lot more mindful with the start of each month. It is time to start fresh and reassess. Borrowing from Jacki Carr’s book, let’s kick the month off with a check in. It has also been awhile since I dropped in last.
The two things I’m most celebrating from October are:
1. The fact that this biz ownership is real! From my carefully craft plans to registering with the government to calls with my financial planner, it really hit me that this ride is real and I’m super proud of what I’m carving out. Oh, and taxes are real too.
2. ADULTING. One of my most favourite and oft used words, I feel like my husband and I are killing it as a team in the world of adulting. With four moves in just over five years, we thought we had this all down. However, life is funny, moving is real and shit happens. Call in the adults. Oh, right- that's us.
The three things I’m most grateful for from October are:
1. Road trips. October was full of a lot of car time, which had my husband and I spending a lot of time together, which I personally love. Juicy topics included values, future plans and Costa Rican dreaming.
2. Running. Since I’ve moved, I’ve jacked up my weekly mileage, and am getting ready to add to the miles in the next few months. Running has kept me sane, keeps me connected to my friends and functions as an antidote to the travel/chaos/candy cycle.
3. Help. I’m not the best at asking for help. In fact, I’m the worst. I grew up with a pretty powerful perfection complex, and shy away from asking for help. This month, I had to, and I’ve realized that it isn’t bad to ask for help. It is pretty damn empowering.
Anything to release or let go of from October, speak now: The aforementioned pretty powerful perfection complex. It has been a thirty-year process, but November will see me doubling down as a human, biz owner, wife, friend, daughter, sister.
The lesson I learned and am carrying forward with me from October is: Falling asleep, in bed, make up off, teeth brushed is a-m-azing. Dialing into a solid routine that doesn’t find me passed out on the couch with Netflix running has been incredible. We also ditched the television- heaven.
My intention word(s) for November is/are: homebody. Also my “costume” for Halloween, I need time to ground, root and reconnect to life. The past month has been a wild ride, something I wouldn’t have ever given up, but it also included passing through three countries, more planes than most jump on in a year and a jam-packed schedule. It has been highs and lows, but it is time to cozy up at home and root down.
One thing I aim to do every day in November is: sweat. Health is a huge value for me, and part of the reason I left my cubicle job for my own company. October’s full-tilt speed is behind me, now is the time to focus and recommit to sweat. Daily. Day one sweat? Done and done.
Because I am brave, here are two new/scary things I will do in November:
1. Register for a new race. I’ve been eyeing a 30K race (Around the Bay). I’ve run it 4 times in the past, and then I took a longer than anticipated break from running. Time to find a training plan and adding on the miles. First step, registration.
2. Develop and release content for this site. Not sure of the format (course, workbook, podcast, videos) but I’ve been playing around with some ideas. My passion for helping others live lives they LOVE is major, and something that I need to start acting on.
The one book I definitely want to read in November… is one of the books by the guys from the Minimalists. Currently waiting in the hold line at the library, but love their slant on life and purpose.
Just for fun, I will… book a spa day for myself. I’ve had some gift cards burning a hole in my pocket, and it is high time to use them.
As an act of intentional kindness, I will… give my time. I’ve been looking forward to volunteering with some places that are close to my heart, and it looks like time is opening up for it. Everything falls into place at the right time, and I can’t wait for this.