It’s my birthday. 31. Hello.
A lot of people asked me what I was doing today. What I had planned. And really, I didn’t have a good answer.
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It’s my birthday. 31. Hello.
A lot of people asked me what I was doing today. What I had planned. And really, I didn’t have a good answer.
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However, when I get clear on what was going on at that time, it was amazing how incongruent this new phase was with my values. I wanted to feel free, but I felt crushed by a mortgage. I wanted to feel in control, but I couldn’t keep up to the demands, the bills, the reality. I wanted to be all in in my life right now, rather than wait for permission (and my RRSP payout) later.
Read MoreI’m sick and tired of feeling like I’m being owned. Like I’m steamrolled, trying to tread water, barely keeping it all together. Anyone who has read here for awhile knows that things have been a bit of a crazy rollercoaster ride. Sort of like standing in the sea, with the water up to your eyeballs, in the middle of a hurricane, waves crashing down over me.
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Hello 2017- you are finally here. Mmmmm I just love the look of those numbers- 2017 is feeling fine, and it is barely here.
Read MoreThe other day, I sat at the edge of the beach, at the edge of a dock, at the edge of the city. Sitting there, in my most favourite leopard coat (found in a tiny store in a stop on the London Tube), my fingers were wrapped around a steaming hot black coffee.
Read MoreSince becoming a coach, shifting my life and starting my own biz, I’ve been a lot more mindful with the start of each month. It is time to start fresh and reassess. Borrowing from Jacki Carr’s book, let’s kick the month off with a check in. It has also been awhile since I dropped in last.
Read MoreI have saltwater in my veins, in my blood. My skin is smooth from the ocean’s sandblasting. I am full of sleep, my body running on real, nourishing food. The last ten days of travel, hanging out in Costa Rica, mellowed my soul and mended my mind. My husband and I took a honeymoon 2.0, eschewing all responsibility for a getaway to one of the most beautiful enclaves on earth.
Read MoreI have been on power mode the last month. Just high octane, hustle hard, make shit happen mode. At the end of August, we had our hearts broken when we woke up and found out that our sweet little dog had passed away in the night, completely unexpectedly. I’d say that is one reason why things have been so quiet around here.
Read MoreYesterday I stepped off the ferry, homebound from my part time job (we’ll get to that in a moment). I saw someone that I’ve known since I was kid, and have grown up alongside, albeit in different social circles.
Read MoreThe cool card is bullshit and doesn’t exist. It stifled who I truly believed I was, kept me from showing my underbelly from almost everyone in the world.
Read MoreI got our electricity bill the other day. Let's just say it was high, and that the oppressively hot summer, combined with my postage stamp apartment, didn't really result in any savings. A hundred and twenty bucks! On cold air.
Read MoreI’m sitting in a booth at a local coffee shop, shoveling soup in my mouth before going to a dentist appointment that is almost certainly ending with a cavity filling. Over the strains of a Coldplay song, I hear a dad playing with his young son. He has obviously just picked up his son from school, and the two are intently cataloguing the boy’s selection of play cars.
Read MorePerspective can be a powerful tool, because it allows you to recognize where you have been and what motivates you in life. As a coach, my work is centered around forward action- helping my clients move ahead in life to achieve their goals. However, context is important- what story have you written, who influenced you, what motivates you?
Read MoreGetting from point A to point B is hard. The success stories don’t happen overnight, and we don’t all wake up with a magical six-figure income. That reality check is easy to forget, however. Rarely do we hear from someone in the midst of the slog, battling through something that is hard or misaligned.
Read MoreThe tires of my jeep clatter across the streetcar tracks. Heading east at 5:45 am means there are so few people out, but you can see the sun’s reflection in the glass-clad skyscrapers. The thriving city seems to still be sleeping, still new, still fresh. I mash down on the gas pedal, relishing the feeling of the morning.
Read MoreI recently unearthed the entirety of my music collection, something that I began to carefully curate as soon as I got my very first laptop, the summer before university. There are old high school era burned CD mixes, party songs from residence and a random smattering of every other genre under the sun (with a strong lean towards mash ups).
Read MoreSeptember 1st is often thought of as a second New Year. It is a chance to start fresh, get back into routines and generally reorganize life after a busy summer. It can be seen as a time of new beginnings and an opportunity to revise goals. For a lot of people (kids and adults alike!) it is also the return of school. Going back to school can be a trying time, whether it is a new grade, school or path in life.
Read MoreI snapped this family photo this past weekend and every time I look at it, furtively during a meeting, scrolling through my phone or catch it on Facebook, my heart explodes. It isn't because it is a classically styled, family Christmas card-esque image. Most of us are in bathing suits, my sister and I are squinting and the dogs look like they are plotting an escape. My wrinkles have wrinkles, my leopard bathing suit totally clashes with my sister's nautical towel and my stepdad's face is shrouded in shade.
Read MoreIt is nine o’clock on a Monday night and I’m sitting in a pile of clothes, sheets and old papers.
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” I said, complaining to my husband.
“We are almost done though!”
Unfailing optimism, that one.
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